Rendering fields with HTML templates in Go

Go’s standard library provides HTML templating. Together with the net/http package, you can very easily build a service that renders a webpages. Asserting fine-grained control over templates and page rendering becomes a bit of a challenge in a complex use case where context drives how a page should be rendered. A typical use case is showing parts of structured content - a product, a news article, an event,… - depending on a logged in users role, or the type of content which is rendered.

Go’s HTML templating provides define, template, yield and block functions. These promote template reusability, maintainability and flexible implementations. There’s a risk that you may end up incorporating too much application logic in your templates, depending on your use case’s requirements.

A common pattern used in programming is the Model-View-Presenter pattern. It’s a derivative of the ubiquitous Model-View-Controller pattern. It differs in that the application logic is pushed towards a Presenter which acts as a middle man. The MVP pattern seems like a good candidate to mitigate the risk of generating complex templates.

I’ve build a small prototype. I’ll let the code speak for itself:

package main

import (

func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/article", articleController)
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

func articleController(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // This is our Model
	var article = &Article{
		PublicationType:  "article",
		Title:            "A journal article title",
		AlternativeTitle: "An alternative journal article title",
		Body:             "Here's the body text of the article",
		Author:           "Jon Doe",
		Type:             "Newsarticle",

	// Compose a view with the presenter and the article
	var presenter = &ArticlePresenter{article}
	var view = &ArticleView{presenter}

	// Let the view render and pass the output to an io.Writer
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")

type Article struct {
	PublicationType  string
	Title            string
	AlternativeTitle string
	Body             string
	Author           string
	Type             string

// The view is only responsible for rendering an input to HTML.

type View interface {

type ArticleView struct {
	presenter Presenter

func (av *ArticleView) Render(w http.ResponseWriter) {
	// Let the presenter process the article and return a renderable object e.g. a map.
	tree := av.presenter.Process()

	// Walk through the tree recursively and call all rendering functions
	content := template.HTML(doRender(tree))

	// Wrap the HTML output in an article template
	article := `
		<div class="article">
			\{\{ .Content \}\}

	t, _ := template.New("article").Parse(article)

    t.ExecuteTemplate(w, "article", struct {
		Title   string
		Content template.HTML
	}{"A news article", content})

// A tree walker function which triggers rendering

func doRender(element interface{}) string {
	var output []string

	tree, ok := element.(map[string]*FieldSet)
	if ok {
		for _, fieldset := range tree {
			output = append(output, fieldset.Render())
		return strings.Join(output, "")

	return strings.Join(output, "")

// The Presenter creates a renderable object

type Presenter interface {
	Process() map[string]*FieldSet

type ArticlePresenter struct {
	Article *Article

// Processes the Article object according to business rules / requirements.

func (ap *ArticlePresenter) Process() map[string]*FieldSet {
	tree := make(map[string]*FieldSet)

	items := []*TextField{}

	items = append(items, &TextField{
		Label: "Title",
		Value: ap.Article.Title,

	items = append(items, &TextField{
		Label: "Alternative Title",
		Value: ap.Article.AlternativeTitle,

	items = append(items, &TextField{
		Label: "Copy",
		Value: ap.Article.Body,

	tree["content"] = &FieldSet{
		Label: "Content",
		Items: items,

	if ap.Article.PublicationType == "article" {
		items := []*TextField{}

		items = append(items, &TextField{
			Label: "Author",
			Value: ap.Article.Body,

		items = append(items, &TextField{
			Label: "Type",
			Value: ap.Article.Body,

		tree["metadata"] = &FieldSet{
			Label: "Metadata",
			Items: items,

	return tree

// Define field types

type Field interface {
	Render() string

type FieldSet struct {
	Label string
	Items []*TextField

func (fs *FieldSet) Render() string {
	tpl := `
		<div class="fieldset">
		    <h2>\{\{ .Label \}\}</h2>

			<ul class="items">
			\{\{ range .Items \}\}
				<li>\{\{ . \}\}</li>
			\{\{ end \}\}

	// Render children
	var items []template.HTML
	for _, item := range fs.Items {
		items = append(items, item.Render())

	// Render the fieldset as a whole
	t := template.Must(template.New("fieldset").Parse(tpl))
	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	err := t.Execute(buf, struct {
		Label string
		Items []template.HTML
	}{Label: fs.Label, Items: items})

	if err != nil {

	return buf.String()

type TextField struct {
	Label string
	Value string

func (tf *TextField) Render() template.HTML {
	tpl := `
	 	<p><strong>\{\{ .Label \}\}</strong>: \{\{ .Value \}\}</p>

	t := template.Must(template.New("field").Parse(tpl))
	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	err := t.Execute(buf, struct {
		Label string
		Value string
	}{Label: tf.Label, Value: tf.Value})

	if err != nil {

	return template.HTML(buf.String())

Of course, there’s a lot that could be optimized here. There’s the repetition of templating calls across the Render() methods. There’s the doRender() function which I could replace entirely with a dedicated ArticleTree struct. There’s the fact that a map structure doesn’t guarantee that the order of elements returned will be the order in which they were inserted. I’m not going to go into those.

I can spot a few take aways here.

A lot of moving parts are isolated into interchangeable, reusable composable structs, and the ArticleController becomes really lean. This allows you to organize your code architecture in a very clean and maintainable way without losing readability.

The context specific application logic is entirely tied up into the Process() method of a Presenter. A change in business constraints doesn’t mean you have to do a major rewrite of existing code everywhere. You can even create a new concrete Presenter if too much complexity gets tied up in a single Presenter.

Template reusability is still promoted. You can create new field types to organize and re-organize the constituent parts of the web page. Generation of concrete HTML output is delegated to the various implementations of field types.

This is a pattern which tends to be used in content management systems build in interpreted languages like Drupal. A lot of the heavy lifting, rendering discrete pieces of HTML and composing them, happens at run time. From a performance view, this would be a drawback. Established content management systems come with extensive caching affordances to mitigate performance issues.

This pattern would work well in concrete, delineated use cases with a limited scope. It’s a pattern that fits well in code that adhere to hexagonal or clean architecture principles.